Reduce your buildings' Energy Costs

Are you looking to reduce your energy consumption and save on costs?

Aeroseal can help.

Leaky ducts are the biggest contributors to commercial buildings' energy wastage.

There is a simple solution to this costly problem. You can reduce a building’s energy consumption by sealing the air ductwork using Aeroseal.

Look past lighting for guaranteed energy savings

Since duct sealing addresses multiple sources of energy waste, commercial contractors use it as a mechanism to gain flexibility in reaching energy-saving goals.

Lower HVAC Requirements

60% of a building’s HVAC energy goes to its fans. Studies show reducing leaks 15% drops fan requirements by 40% or more – saving thousands of dollars every month.

Shrink Energy Waste

Duct sealing reduces energy waste by eliminating the cracks and holes in ductwork that draw unconditioned, contaminated air into the building.

Reduce System Costs

Energy costs are reduced by increasing the efficiency of the HVAC fans and by eliminating excess ventilation loads.

Want to learn more about how Aeroseal can help with energy savings in your buildings?

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

Book an appointment

Aeroseal Yields Results

Aeroseal’s solution has made duct sealing cost effective and simple to accomplish, making it a top energy-saving strategy for building owners and facility managers looking to eliminate energy consumption problems.

Below are just a few examples of Aeroseal at work. You can view more case studies here.

August 24, 2023
Leading the charge in energy conservation and indoor air quality improvement, Weis Markets, a prominent Mid-Atlantic supermarket retailer, is making strategic strides. The retailer has embraced cutting-edge technology by adopting the Aeroseal duct sealing solution.
Energy Savings | Duct Sealing | PFIZER DRY COMPRESS BUILDING
April 19, 2023
Pfizer Finds $35k Energy Savings A Nice Side Benefit of Pilot Duct Sealing Project Aimed at Boosting HVAC Performance.
Food and Plant building achieves code compliance with Aeroseal
By Rajeev Nedumaran February 24, 2023
LIMS Aeroseal helped The Food and Plant Building at Mt. Albert, Auckland with their duct sealing and pass the inspection with flying colours. Read this case study to know more...
Duct sealing for Munroe Lane office building
By Rajeev Nedumaran February 9, 2023
We had the opportunity to implement Aeroseal on a duct sealing job at the Auckland Council Building on Munroe Lane Office Building in Auckland. It was for two kitchens and it was a great success! Read all about it in this case study.
By Rajeev Nedumaran December 18, 2022
LIMS-Aerosea had the opportunity to demonstrate Aeroseal's effectiveness at duct sealing and achieved 99% dust reduction at Microsoft's Auckland office. Read on to know more about this awesome result.
improving air tightness in an existing system
By Rajeev Nedumaran November 9, 2022
In mid-October, LIMS Aeroseal was contacted by Talat of McAlpine Hussmann. The kitchen extract riser at 179n Collingwood Street in Hamilton (soon to be ACC’s new building) was not meeting its target at commissioning. We’ve worked together with McAlpine on three projects so were well pleased to get the call. Read this case study to find out how Aeroseal worked wonders in this job.
By Rajeev Nedumaran July 2, 2022
From the start, the Building by Daman was to stand out as an architectural marvel among a cityscape that was already a testament to man’s limitless achievements in building design and construction.
By Rajeev Nedumaran July 2, 2022
The new Hyundai U.S. corporate headquarters was scheduled to open for business in just a few weeks. The finishing touches were being made to the interior of the 6-story, 500,000 sq. ft. building in Fountain Valley, California. No one was happy to learn that building engineers could not get official sign-off for the project because of duct leakage in the structure’s four smoke evacuation shafts and an outside air shaft.
By Rajeev Nedumaran July 2, 2022
When the new $60 million dollar elementary school first opened its doors, everyone was excited and pleased. The modern classrooms and energy-efficient building were sources of pride and joy for the Maryland-area school district. However, it wasn’t far into the first winter season that school administrators recognized there was a significant HVAC problem.
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